For those who are ready to become the master creators of their lives, live at the next level of potential and magnetise themselves to their dreams!
Do you struggle to flow or accept change?
Are you moving through a difficult change right now?
We believe two things: Change is the only constant, and Change is the opportunity for so much more. Move love, more wisdom, more courage, more strength. More of you aligning with your authenticity and the universe reflecting that back to your dreams being realised.

This Pathway is for those who are ready to become the master creators of their lives!
Teach you to embrace change
Practically walk you through any change you are encountering
Allow you to expand into the new
Help you to release the old
Align with your next level of greatness
Shift your vibration to begin to align with new realities

Use this pathway when you are:
You have been confronted with a change you did not plan for or choose
Before embarking on a change in your life
You are needing to create new habits or a lifestyle change
You are struggling to move forward in your life
Having worked with thousands of clients over the last 14 years I have seen that walking the path of Change is a challenging one for most.
We are not taught to embrace, worth with or be empowered by change. I am passionate about changing that. Change is many things - but I believe that it is an opportunity to be more of who you are.
This is The Process I have walked many mentoring clients through - and now you can use it too.
When you allow yourself the space, permission and freedom to ritualise a process of change, you become the paster creator of your life. You become an empowered force for more - more love, more happiness, more abundance and more life.

If you are ready to become a greater version of yourself, embrace change and allow it to empower you - then this Pathway is ready to show you how.
Change is an opportunity for more - not an experience of less.
Working through this Pathway will leave you more: more purpose, more love, more abundance, more expansion, more authenticity, more connection and more joy.
It will equip you with the tools and techniques to work with change rather than resist it.

The Change pathway follows The Light Path Collective’s signature Process:
Reflect, Explore, Ignite and Embody.
Reflect: Our relationship with change is going to be put under the microscope. We will reflection our experience with chnage in the past so we can understand our automatic response to what is happening in our lives now. We end this section witha a loving task to propel us forward to the end result of this Change.
Explore: Then we will expand into our subconscious mind to help formulate a new blueprint when walking the path of Change. This will hel pus navigate the Chage we are walking with greater confidence and awareness of ourselves and our potential.
Ignite: Now we get really practical and plan for the change we are walking through. By planning you will be able to stay on track and keep yourself accountable. We will consider both your internal and external landscape in this planning phase.
Embody: It is now time to become the new version of yourself. By now, you would have begun to build up some confidence in your ability to truly embrace the impact of the change you are trying to make or accept a change that is transpiring in your life. In this process, you will plan for and execute a method of embodying the actions, perceptions and reality of the change you are embarking upon. This may be an experience of creating new habits, rituals and ways of living. This could be a process of establishing a whole new way of living and walking through your daily life. Depending on the magnitude of the change, it could be all of this.

Reflection provides us with an opportunity to be authentically intimate with ourselves. Through reflection, we can see where we currently are and the path that has led to this point.

When we tap into the power of our subconscious, we are tapping into the majority of our personal field of power. We are, at any moment, powerful enough to shift and change our life.

Once we have reflected and explored the potential of the subconscious and redesigned a new blueprint, it is essential to integrate what we have learned into our lived experience.

Once we have tapped into our desires and felt our potential to achieve them, we can embody the reality of our work. Ultimately this is about taking actions that you now feel more aligned to.

Kirsten Leo
I’m Kirsten - an intuitive mentor, energetic healer and lover of all things potential.
I believe that we are all here to be far more than we could ever imagine. We are here to evolve, to learn and to have a great time whilst doing so.
Having intensely and intentionally worked on myself - a process that I still do every day - I have learnt one thing: change is not just inevitable, it is magical. But moving through my personal changes, and guiding thousands of others through theirs, I have noticed how we are not well equipped to use change as an empowering force in our lives.
I am here to shift that with my approach to Change.
By working through my signature Process in the Change Pathway, you will be accessing my signature process to embracing Change in a way that will leave you more of how you are and ready for your next chapters.



Once you enter the Change pathway you will have access to all the modules and resources for three months.
Once you enter into the Change Pathway you will be supported every step of the way.
The Change Pathway follows The Light Path Collective’s signature Process - a four-module program to walk you through the process of Change. You will find video tutorials, audio guides and specific tasks to complete. You will, as a Change Pathway participant have access to a one-on-one coaching session with Kirsten at a special discounted rate. The Pathway is designed for you to walk through at your own pace, making it uniquely you. Once you enter the Change pathway you will have access to all the modules and resources for three months. Dedicating this time to your evolving is going to be impactful in more ways than you can imagine - I cannot wait to hear about your progress and experience of walking the path of Change.